What we could do in the past is not a good indicator of what we can do in the present. While you may have been able to plan, plant, and tend a full garden in variable conditions, during treatment or immediately afterward you may find that the best you can do is admire the vegetation wherever you are.
There are several ways we can cope with these changing conditions, and perhaps one of the most important first step is checking out assumptions. It may not help us to assume that we can do what we have always been able to do. We may find ourselves overstretched and, in worst case scenarios, land in hospital. Instead we may want to figure out if we want to take a vacation from "normal" or if we want to ask for help to keep our cherished activities in our life. And, if you ask for help and then don't need it you can always cut the visit short. However, planning to encounter limitations and then not needing our planning is a whole lot better than planning not to need help and then landing in trouble.
For most of us this journey through Cancerworld is temporary. And so we don't have to change our entire lives from now until we die. We may need to evaluate our assumptions though. And make some changes. Asking for help can be difficult. And we can be disappointed when we ask and the answer is "no." Still it is worth asking if it can help us keep the things we love in our life.