Because we are dealing with pain and trauma and uncertainty, we may find ourselves more irritated than normal. And at things that used to not bother us at all.
My goal was to try and avoid verbally vomiting my displeasure onto whomever was present. After all, the irritation really belonged to me and not to the poor chap who was chewing his food too loudly or the youth who was slurping his tea.
So I found ways to compensate when I found myself in an annoyed mood. Earplugs, headphones, air freshener, a fan, a change of scenery, some sunshine. When irritation arises the goal is to mitigate, not to propagate the irritation misery by striking out at those we love (or like, or are innocent bystanders). The best first step may be too acknowledge the irritation. And then adjust to minimize it.
This may also be true for non-cancer journeyers.